The Truth About the Lowest Paid Podiatrist

As a podiatrist, you may have heard the saying, 'the feet are the foundation of the body.' And it's true - our feet play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. That's why podiatrists are in high demand, with an expected job growth of 11% from 2018 to 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But with such a promising job outlook, you may be wondering - what is the lowest paid podiatrist? Is it worth pursuing this career path if the pay is not as high as other medical professions?

The Average Salary of a Podiatrist

Before we dive into the lowest paid podiatrist, let's first take a look at the average salary for this profession. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for podiatrists in May 2019 was $126,240. This means that half of all podiatrists earned more than this amount, while the other half earned less. However, it's important to note that this figure is just an average and does not reflect the wide range of salaries within the field of podiatry.

Factors such as location, experience, and specialization can greatly impact a podiatrist's salary.

The Factors That Affect Podiatry Salaries

As mentioned earlier, there are several factors that can influence how much a podiatrist earns. Let's take a closer look at each one:


Just like any other profession, location plays a significant role in determining a podiatrist's salary. In general, areas with higher costs of living tend to offer higher salaries. For example, a podiatrist working in New York City will likely earn more than one working in a rural area. Additionally, some states have a higher demand for podiatrists, which can also impact salaries.

For instance, California, Texas, and New York have the highest employment levels for podiatrists, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


As with most professions, experience is a major factor in determining salary. A podiatrist who has just graduated from medical school and is starting their career will likely earn less than someone who has been practicing for several years. With experience comes expertise, and podiatrists who have been in the field for a while may have developed specialized skills or gained a reputation that can lead to higher-paying opportunities.


Podiatry is a diverse field with various specializations, such as sports medicine, wound care, and pediatrics. Podiatrists who specialize in a particular area may earn more than those who have a general practice. For example, a podiatrist who focuses on treating athletes may earn more than one who primarily sees elderly patients. This is because sports medicine is a highly specialized and in-demand field.

The Lowest Paid Podiatrist

Now that we've covered the factors that can affect podiatry salaries, let's get to the main question - what is the lowest paid podiatrist? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the lowest 10% of podiatrists earned less than $57,480 per year as of May 2019. This figure may seem low compared to the average salary of $126,240, but it's important to remember that this is still a six-figure salary.

Additionally, the lowest paid podiatrists may be just starting their careers or working in areas with lower costs of living. It's also worth noting that podiatrists who work in hospitals or other healthcare facilities may earn less than those who have their own private practice. This is because private practice podiatrists have more control over their fees and can set them higher.

Is Podiatry Still a Lucrative Career Choice?

Despite the lowest paid podiatrist earning less than the average salary, podiatry is still considered a lucrative career choice. In fact, it's one of the highest-paying medical professions that do not require a medical degree. Additionally, podiatrists have the potential to earn even more through bonuses, profit-sharing, and other incentives. As with any profession, hard work and dedication can lead to higher salaries and opportunities for advancement.

In Conclusion

While the lowest paid podiatrist may earn less than the average salary for this profession, it's important to consider all the factors that can impact a podiatrist's earnings.

Location, experience, and specialization all play a significant role in determining salary. Ultimately, podiatry is a rewarding and in-demand field with a promising job outlook. So if you have a passion for helping others and an interest in foot and ankle health, don't let the lowest paid podiatrist deter you from pursuing this fulfilling career path.

Leland Brazelton
Leland Brazelton

Freelance zombie buff. Evil twitter geek. Incurable tv fan. Proud travel trailblazer. Friendly beer nerd.